Why We ALL Need To Do MORE Than ‘Talk About’ Mental Health

A PHRASE I hear often is ‘we need to talk about mental health’ - I disagree.

We need to talk about OUR feelings, emotions, experiences, expectations, losses, hopes and dreams; talking about ‘mental health’ as a blanket term as though ‘other’ people experience it and we don’t, doesn’t go far enough.


In Scotland, two people die by suicide every day.

In 2021, 49 people died by suicide in the place where I call home, the Highlands.

Suicide is the biggest killer of men under 50 and young people aged 16 - 24 in the UK; men account for 75 per cent of those suicides.

Male suicide rates in Highland are higher for all ages than the average for Scotland (and in the 25-34 age range, it is significantly higher)**


Each of us has a unique life story, our own upsets, distress and fears, although there are some commonalities such as concerns about the cost of living, and fewer perceived opportunities in remote and rural communities.

There may also be instances where medication for anxiety or depression is believed to contribute to intrusive thoughts.

For many of those people (our brothers, sisters, parents, children, cousins, aunts, uncles, neighbours, the faces we pass in the street each day), an event may trigger suicidal thoughts that that person follows through.


Over the past 12 years in my work as a success coach, yoga teacher and hypnotherapist (and friend), I’ve knowingly encountered four people who felt suicidal.

One had attempted suicide, quickly regretted it and immediately sought medical help. All four are alive, well - and thriving, but it could have been a devastatingly different outcome for them - and their families.

If you feel suicidal please reach out and talk to the right people.

I am NOT the best person to help you, but, in the Highlands, we are blessed by those (Mikeysline) whose purpose in life IS to support you to cope with WHATEVER you’re facing.

Mikeysline is a charity established in 2015 following the deaths of two good friends (within 48 hours of each other).

The team at Mikeysline is there to:

  • Listen without judgement.

  • Offer support when you need it most.

  • Help source any additional support to meet your needs moving forwards.

  • Share coping strategies.

Whether you are 11 or 102 years old or anywhere in between, Mikeysline will support you. It has a range of text based services (text 07786 20 77 55 for support), face to face support (in Inverness, Easter Ross and Nairn).

If you’re willing to talk, the team of staff and volunteers are willing to listen (some of them may have been exactly where you were in the past).


I’ve recently taken part in some excellent Mental Health First Aid Training (delivered in Inverness by Linda Birnie).

It creates a safe space to talk about suicide and how to help prevent it. It also covers:

  • The impact of alcohol and drugs on mental health.

  • An introduction to suicide intervention.

  • Listening skills.

  • Understanding depression, anxiety, psychosis and how to offer first aid to someone who is experiencing these.

  • The importance of signposting people to ongoing support.

If you are ready to help save lives and raise awareness by booking a course for your team, please reach out to Linda by clicking here.

It’s easy to think that ‘nobody we know would choose to die by suicide’, we’re also likely WRONG. Often it’s the people we perceive as ‘doing well’, ‘emotionally strong’, ‘a fighter’ who are suffering in silence. Age is irrelevant.


➡️ You can get involved in fundraising personally for Mikeysline or via your business.

➡️ You can train to become a volunteer at Mikeysline.

➡️ Lead the way by speaking from your heart about your thoughts, feelings and experiences. Open up to the people around you; you never know who needs to hear those words today. We often assume that someone who is intent on death by suicide will appear miserable or withdrawn, vitally the OPPOSITE is often true. Once they have made the decision and have a plan in place they often seem ELATED, HAPPY, LOVING because they see an immediate end to their pain.

➡️ For non urgent queries about how to get involved please email Mikeysline by clicking here.

➡️ If your priorities lie elsewhere right now AND you want to help, you can hop straight to this link and make a donation.


In my lifetime I’ve grieved (and am grieving) for more than 30 friends and family members including my Dad and my 19-year-old cousin (all lost to natural causes, accidents).

I’ve been bullied (threatened to be stabbed and shot) and experienced financial worry. I’ve had unexpected open heart surgery to correct a birth defect, experienced extreme loneliness and isolation, lived alone as a young bride while my husband (now ex) fought in a war zone for months. I’ve been in two car accidents, experienced infidelity, deceit, narcissistic abuse, witnessed alcohol abuse, drug abuse (sometimes within my own relationships), and, like you, lived through a pandemic. I’ve also since remarried, have a wonderful stepdaughter, run a thriving business and love my life.

Whatever emotional pain you’re experiencing (or recognise in someone else), please do reach out to the right people and let them share their strength.

They care, and they want to help.

TEXT 07786 20 77 55 for support.

Mikeysline uses the tagline ‘it’s ok not to be ok’, and that’s true, AND, it’s also important to know that you can use their support and ‘it’s ok to be ok’.

Who is Sophia Hanson (you’re on my website 💖)?

I’m a Success Coach & Hypnotherapist for creative and ambitious people who want to take their life and business to the next level (email me if that’s you).

However, if you’re experiencing suicidal thoughts, know someone who is or want to get involved in suicide prevention, I’m NOT the person you need because I’m NOT the best person to support you.

Please contact Mikeysline for support, or Linda to arrange Mental Health First Aid Training.

People care and are there for you.

Sophia x

TEXT 07786 20 77 55 if you are experiencing

suicidal feelings and want urgent support

** These statistics were recently presented at a business meeting by Emily Stokes, Chief Executive of Mikeysline.


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