Who is Sophia?
Who is Sophia? Jeez, could you start with a smaller question? 🤣
I have a husband, John, and a 14-year-old stepdaughter Tilly. We have two gorgeous cats, Goldie and Shadow (usually found within a 3mm radius of me).
Born and bred in the Highlands of Scotland I’ve lived in lots of places including North and West Yorkshire, Edinburgh and Cyprus. I’m now based in Conon Bridge just outside Inverness (and work the world over thanks to wifi).
Growing up my nickname was Miss Mouse. I was timid, shy, introvert, sensitive and scurried at the least sign of anything outside my comfort zone. My primary school teacher routinely reduced me to tears (in front of the whole class) for my inability to understand fractions. I lacked confidence, self-belief, felt like I didn’t fit in, and that nothing I did was ever “good enough.”
Next came secondary school (a blur of deep family grief and self-doubt) then university, a career as a radio and print journalist (commercial and BBC), an estate agent, a press & communications officer (NHS and the Police), and THE deafening realisation that none of that felt “quite right”.
Instead, I set up my own communications business expecting to live life with heart & soul but guess what?
SOMETHING stopped me, and that something was ME because:
I constantly compared myself to others.
I didn’t know how to TALK about my business (oh the irony).
I didn't feel “good enough” (imposter syndrome).
I procrastinated like crazy spending way too long on projects because what came at the end of them was likely to be a verbal PRESENTATION.
I was petrified to network because it involved lots of talking out loud (I was ‘an imposter’ after all).
I self-sabotaged, losing out on amazing work opportunities and clients (ask me about the time I interviewed famous Hay House authors and majorly messed up).
I beat myself up for all the things I was doing ‘wrong’ and that prompted massive HIDING.
Everyone told me I had amazing potential, but I couldn’t see it and I certainly wasn’t using it.
I came to the startling realisation that it was ME who needed to change - “Time to stop re-arranging the deckchairs on the Titanic Sophia!!”
Over the next 10 years I travelled (India, Nepal, New Mexico, New York, Miami, New Zealand, Australia), studied 700+ personal development books, expanded into coaching, yoga and hypnotherapy (and got married for the second time, this one is definitely ‘a keeper’).
When you’re committed to growth there’s always a new level, new devil to deal with. I’m far from perfect, but if there’s one thing that gets my goat it’s knowing that amazing people like you are only sharing a little of your brilliance because something is stopping you from standing in your power and letting your voice be heard.
You set up your business and got into a career you love for a reason, with the right support you can take it further faster, be authentically you, speak up with confidence, and turn your passion into profit.
Whether you want a full overhaul on your public speaking mindset (no matter how deep your fear runs we can deal with it) or an express buff and shine (to get rid of those irksome little habits), it’s time to dump the baggage, bring out the real you and use your voice to create a life and business that gets you the results you want and deserve.
Let's get started with a chat (on the house) to see if working together is right for you. Please know that this is just a chat, there are zero strong-arm tactics. Whether you decide to work with me now, later (or not in this lifetime), you can trust yourself to do what’s right for you.
You’ve nothing to lose except the self-doubt, the mind monkeys, fear, and a bag load of stress!
Much love,
Sophia x
P.S. - If you’re thinking “Sophia, I’d love your help, but I don’t want to speak in public, I need something completely different,” CLICK HERE.
Three little secrets…

Random facts about me…
I love a long lie and an early morning.
I regularly go and find baskets for people who nipped into the shop for a pint of milk and then stagger around arms laden.
I’ve never drunk a cup of coffee (herbal tea or boiled water all the way).
Evert day of my life a RANDOM STRANGER will stop me in the street and ask me the time or directions.
I live in a big house jam-packed with love (and an eclectic mix of stuff that kind of goes together but doesn’t match).
I am also the heart and soul of Highland Hypnobirthing - harnessing the power of body and mind to enable a more comfortable birth.
When people describe me the word CALM comes up every single time, closely followed by ‘professional’.
I like to eat my meals with a narrow dessert fork🍴🤣 (not soup, obvs), and if I’m diving into a pudding - bring me a teaspoon please!
Some of my credentials…
2:1 BA (Hons) English Literature
Yoga Siromani
Master NLP Practitioner
Clinical Hypnotherapist
EFT & TFT Practitioner
Strategic Intervention Coach
Divorce Prevention Specialist (yes, that came after my divorce smarty pants!)
I also hold qualifications in sociology, massage, reflexology & counselling!
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