Is Your Business A True Love Story?

WHEN I first started my PR, freelance writing and transformation coaching business in 2011 I was convinced that I’d wake up bursting with energy to share my knowledge and expertise with the world.

I was certain that I would work four days per week and more than cover all my financial outgoings, whilst enjoying more ‘me time.’

I’d have bet my life on my belief that shifting away from jaded colleagues into a space where I called the shots was going to bring me new levels of personal and professional fulfilment.

There was only one problem: it didn’t.

Instead of getting out there I squirreled myself away in my dining room obsessively checking emails in case business had started to pour in. Without those ‘jaded’ (sorry lovely people) colleagues, I was both alone and lonely. The extra ‘me time’ was wasted worrying about how to find clients. I had no strategy and zero tactics. I felt ashamed.

My entire focus revolved around a 13” computer screen. I was stuck in my head.

If that sounds like you, you’ll relate to at least a handful of these:

  1. Concerns about whether you are good enough (imposter syndrome)

  2. Procrastination (even over important things)

  3. Perfectionism (also known as fear of getting it wrong)

  4. Dreading reading emails in case they contain bad news

  5. Feeling you have to do everything (including things you don’t want to do)

  6. Reluctance to get visible for fear of getting it wrong or being judged.

  7. Looping thoughts

  8. Pretending to be something you’re not

  9. Feeling anxious if you delay answering an email or a call

  10. Defensive

  11. Avoiding face-to-face events

  12. You feel like you meet your business needs, but it doesn’t meet yours

Now imagine for a moment that that list was how you felt about your significant other (partner or spouse). Would you define that as a loving relationship? It isn’t a relationship I’d tolerate beyond the first five minutes, would you?

I’d be more likely to refer to it as ‘gas lighting’ or ‘abusive’, and head for the hills.

If you know that your business (or work) has got you over a barrel, it’s time to make changes. You created your business, so you don’t need to break up with it, but it’s definitely time for some divorce prevention work if you want your happily ever after (it is the month of love after all!).

Take stock of how you feel about your business. Now focus on how you want to feel. Why did you get together in the first place? Rekindle that passion, take massive action, and revolutionise your results.

If you’d love my coaching or hypnotherapy support to do that get in touch.

This article was first published in Executive Magazine in February 2023.


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