Why It's Time To Fall In Love With Your Business (Or Else!)
Are you in love? Do you have your heart set on a romantic relationship? Do you wish the relationship that you’re in was different?
Do you wish that your special someone would whisk you away for a romantic weekend, or speak more kindly to you?
What if you paid more attention to you and your relationship with your business?
It’s easy to sit back and wish that life or business were different.
It’s easy to want other people to treat us more lovingly, more kindly, with more respect or do more for us. It’s easy to hope that life will change in the future if only a certain someone would change. It’s also a total waste of time to dream of such change when you have 100% power to create change with yourself.
I did it for the best part of my life!
Most of the time when we wish someone would book a romantic weekend away we neglect to see that we could book time away just for ourselves. Perhaps if we worried less about what our spouse or partner wanted to do and paid more attention to our own needs we’d get started on the path to true fulfilment (and be a way nicer partner to boot!).
If we stopped wishing our partner would speak to us more lovingly we could see that we could bolster our own confidence and our own good feelings and fully support ourselves instead of handing all our power to an external source (or criticising them when they fall short).
Do you ever fall into this way of thinking? In my twenties I remember getting dressed up to go out and hoping my then husband would comment on how nice I looked. He did, but it didn’t ever go far enough because I didn’t feel good about myself. I needed to look in the mirror and approve of myself. I needed to feel good and love me but I relied on his approval.
This might not seem romantic, but I promise it’ll do your relationship (or future relationship) the world of good. Think of the demands (spoken or unspoken) you make on your partner or spouse. Do you expect them to lift your mood if you’re feeling a bit down? Do you rely on them putting a positive spin on tricky situations? Do you expect them to fully support you when you’re having a hard time? Do you look to them for regular guidance?
It’s brilliant if you know that your special person will help you out in this way, and all of these can be part of a relationship if in balance. But, what if you did a little more of this for yourself? What if you became more self-reliant? Would this take your relationship to a whole new level? How would it be if you didn’t have to start each day being pulled up or pulling your partner up? Think of the quality of life you’d have!
I’ve had more than my fair share of doom and gloom where I just wished that someone would wave a magic wand and make it all better, but the positivity never lasts when it comes from an outside source.
It’s time to dig deep, excavate the real you, what you’re capable of, and let go of the feeling that you’re not enough. You are. Believe in you.
Had enough of feeling neutral or negative about your life and business? Book a free curiosity call with me sophia@sophiahanson.com.
You might be wondering why I’m encouraging self-reliance AND that you book a call with me 🤣
I’m not going to give you all the answers, we’ll get stuck in to you embracing how flipping awesome you are, and that’s when the magic starts!
Sophia x
As featured in Executive Magazine, February 2022.