Is This The REAL Reason You Freak Out About Public Speaking?

ONE OF the reasons people often freak out when asked to present online or in person is NOT just because they 'don't like public speaking', or 'get a bit anxious.'

It runs way deeper than:
🫦 You're not sure what to say
🫦 You might fluff your words
🫦 You worry about being the centre of attention
🫦 You don't want people to think you're stupid
🫦 You fear rejection

Another BIG reason is that you 'don't yet see yourself as a leader'.

Think about that.

When you're asked to come up to the stage | the mic | go to the front of the room | stand in front of the camera, you are being asked to LEAD.

You set the tone, the vibe - it's your chance to inspire and steer the room <<or shrink back>>.

It's up to you to take charge, to invite the audience to go on a journey with you, to LEAD the way.

Do you see yourself as a leader?

My ex husband used to say 'if you're just strolling along and no-one is following you, you're just going for a walk. You're not a leader'. Dare I say he was right?

❤️ What if you started to see yourself as a leader?

❤️ What if you had capacity to be an amazing leader that you COULD develop through overcoming your fear of public speaking?

❤️ What if instead of 'waiting to see what kind of response you get' you invited people to go with you or to see things your way and reconsider their perspective?

You don't have to take the whole world up to dance, but wouldn't it be worthwhile at least inviting a handful of people to dance with you? You have something worth saying, don’t you?

Being a leader is incredibly scary when you don't know for sure what your message is, but if you have deep trust within yourself and KNOW what you need to talk about, you have the potential to fly.

One of the biggest mistakes that people make when trying to overcome a fear of public speaking is to try to implement lots of tips or bash on in the hope that practice will make perfect.

Both are like rearranging the deckchairs on the Titanic. You need to dig deeper than that surface level stuff, if it was THAT easy, wouldn't we all be amazing public speakers?

The first few times I read the news to more than 100,000 people I sounded way more timid than I did by the time I'd been doing it five years. There's a confidence, a tone and a conviction in your voice that needs to shine through - thankfully with all that I know now, I can rapidly accelerate your journey!

Ready to take back control of your mind? Want to deep dive and get over your fear of public speaking so you can turn your passion into profit? Message me - we need to talk (

And if you’re more of a DIY kind of learner, you’ll love these hypnosis downloads!

Overcome Presentation Anxiety At Work hypnotic download.

Conquer Fear of Public Speaking (for business owners).
Check them out ⬆️

Sophia x

P.S. - Do we hang out together on Facebook, LinkedIn or the Gram, maybe Youtube?


Stop Waiting For Someone To Notice You


Petrified Of Public Speaking, You Want Transformation, What Next?