“STOP the world, I want to get off…”

DOES THE WORD frenetic describe your business or career right now?


My new hypnotherapy and coaching clients frequently tell me: “I’m fully booked with a waiting list”, “I’m so busy I can’t hear myself think”,  “everything is so busy at the moment,” “I feel like I have too many irons in the fire”, “I’m overwhelmed”, and “once this next couple of months are over I’m sure things will settle down.”


I’ve used many of these phrases too; it’s one of the reasons why I quit my corporate job 13 years ago. The punishing pace didn’t suit me, and it negatively impacted my whole life.


That said, it’d be way too smug (and frankly a lie), if I pretended that I don’t also fall into the the ‘too busy’ trap from time to time. Having just taken over as the Vice President at networking group BNI Highland, I am kept on my toes.


However, one recurring theme I’ve noticed is that each of my clients is determined to find a way to crack the ‘too busy problem’, when the reality is that learning coping mechanisms to deal with the chaos of being ‘too busy’ is unfulfilling; prevention is better than cure.


Instead of learning how to spin more plates, what would happen if you:

➡️ Prioritised which plates you actually need or want to keep spinning?

➡️ Created breathing space between your meetings or client sessions?

➡️ Took an afternoon off to manage your personal admin (or have a mega nap!)?

➡️ Postponed or parked a couple of projects? Gasp.

➡️ Led by example and upheld firm boundaries with your clients or customers?

➡️ Let go of the habits that you know are unhealthy coping mechanisms?

➡️ Said ‘no thank you’ more often.


You don’t need to avoid stress altogether, but why teeter on the cliff edge when you could stand back and enjoy the view?

Here are 7 ways to help you do that:

1.     When you create your to-do list note next to each item how long you expect it will take to complete. Keep wiggle room and do not pack more in that is possible in a working day.

2.     Take regular breaks; you are not here to prove yourself to anyone.

3.     Be honest; decide now which tasks you can delegate, delay or drop.

4.     Tap back into ‘why’ you are doing what you’re doing; what’s really important to you? So many of my clients do what they do ‘for their family’, but now see that the curse of being too busy is jeopardising the home life they have right now.

5.     Walk or drive the scenic route home.

6.     Recognise and admit if you are addicted to the adrenalin rush of being busy; there’s a big difference between being progressive and productive - and being hooked on drama and stress, which will lead to burnout.

7.     Commit to making different choices from this point forwards.


So many of us adapted our working habits during lockdown and filled many of those voids with more work, but now the only person keeping you locked down now is you.

If your ‘must stop doing this’ list is longer than your ‘to do’ list, now’s the time to reassess and start afresh.

If you’re ready and committed to making positive changes now get in touch with me (email sophia@sophiahanson.com) and let’s talk. The only time is now.


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