How Are You Measuring Your Success? (Why It Might Be Time To Change)
“There’s snow on the Ben!” If you live in the Highlands, there’s a good chance you’ll have uttered this phrase a million times.
I live in Conon Bridge so I have a bird’s eye view of Ben Wyvis. I noticed late last month that it was no longer just capped, but was completed coated in snow; a good measure of winter creeping in.
It also sparked a thought about how to measure our progress and results in life and in business; are you using the right yardstick?
For example, we can’t control the weather enough to give ourselves credit when there is snow on the Ben, but equally we are not at fault if there is none (global warming aside).
How are you measuring your personal or professional success? If you are pinning your success on results that are not completely within your own control, then it’s time to stop.
If you want to join forces with another business it’s your role to do the groundwork: due diligence, build rapport, secure interest, present your case and move forward as much as possible. All of that is progress even if the partnership doesn’t succeed right now. You are not to blame for someone else’s choices (plus, if your partnership ideas were 100% guaranteed to come to fruition no-one else would have free will!)
Play your part to the best of your ability and let go of the outcome, perhaps an even better opportunity will present itself in due course and you’ll be glad to still be available for it!
Ask yourself:
· What goals am I actively focusing on?
· What am I using to measure my success?
· Are those appropriate parameters?
· What would be better?
And pay attention to everything that you are doing to nudge closer to success. It’s the everyday actions (no matter how miniscule) that help you build mental muscle and take you closer to your goal in some shape or form.
And, if you haven’t been measuring your progress at all it’s a brilliant idea to start because it helps you build motivation. When you can see that you are on the right track you want to keep going; ask any runner, it’s the middle miles of the marathon that are the greatest challenge. No matter what your running form, everyone digs deep to cross the finish line spurred on by the fact that the end is in sight.
What can you do to measure your own goals?
Check if they still make you feel happy – or are you hunkered down refusing to let go to a past dream?
If your goal is to lose weight then check if you now fit into a smaller sized dress or pair of trousers (even if you are not yet your ideal weight)
If your goal is to exercise more then write down how many days per week this is happening
If your goal is to snap or complain less at your partner or colleagues, then start to notice all the times you succeed.
One of my goals this year was to learn to dance and I’ve really enjoyed Toe 2 Toe Dance with Jen and Tristian in Inverness; I am not yet an amazing dancer (ahem) but I’ve literally put my best foot forward.
Whatever your goal is, make it measurable and use the right yardstick!
Are you ready to make some changes in your business? It all starts with how you think. I’m NOT the strategy person and I won’t be sticking my nose in your spreadsheets but together we can help you get out of your own way, reprogram your mind for success and create a life and business you love. Hello profits, goodbye stress!